Rivian is on a mission to keep the world adventurous forever. This goes for the emissions-free Electric Adventure Vehicles we build, and the curious, courageous souls we seek to attract.
As a company, we constantly challenge what’s possible, never simply accepting what has always been done. We reframe old problems, seek new solutions and operate comfortably in areas that are unknown. Our backgrounds are diverse, but our team shares a love of the outdoors and a desire to protect it for future generations.
Role Summary
You’ll take the adventure of a lifetime. Rivian is developing unique and innovative charging solutions; you’ll help us do that.
You’ll work with a team of top-notch engineers to develop commercial and home charging products. You’ll contribute to the development of the embedded software architecture and stack, including Linux and real-time software applications.
Arabic | \nHebrew | \nPolish | \n
Bulgarian | \nHindi | \nPortuguese | \n
Catalan | \nHmong Daw | \nRomanian | \n
Chinese Simplified | \nHungarian | \nRussian | \n
Chinese Traditional | \nIndonesian | \nSlovak | \n
Czech | \nItalian | \nSlovenian | \n
Danish | \nJapanese | \nSpanish | \n
Dutch | \nKlingon | \nSwedish | \n
English | \nKorean | \nThai | \n
Estonian | \nLatvian | \nTurkish | \n
Finnish | \nLithuanian | \nUkrainian | \n
French | \nMalay | \nUrdu | \n
German | \nMaltese | \nVietnamese | \n
Greek | \nNorwegian | \nWelsh | \n
Haitian Creole | \nPersian | \n\n |